
1999 E46 BMW 328i Manual Transmission

From the owner

From the owner:

“Classic body white bmw manual, well kept leather interior. Been sitting needs, slight paint repair, tires and pump ring.

Owner Email: a2cc3a4d0cf2301ebd73a090e0e62a43@sale.craigslist.org

From us:

This is only the 2nd e456 we’ve ever listed but we’re we on a search for any manual bmw that is running/driving for $1500 and under. This one looks rough and we don’t know what he means by “pump ring” steering pump? water pump? But it’s $1,250 with a clear title. We’d do all the normal checks and have a look at the carfax but this might be a solid buy.

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1999 E46 BMW 328i Manual Transmission

From the owner:

“Classic body white bmw manual, well kept leather interior. Been sitting needs, slight paint repair, tires and pump ring.

Owner Email: a2cc3a4d0cf2301ebd73a090e0e62a43@sale.craigslist.org

From us:

This is only the 2nd e456 we’ve ever listed but we’re we on a search for any manual bmw that is running/driving for $1500 and under. This one looks rough and we don’t know what he means by “pump ring” steering pump? water pump? But it’s $1,250 with a clear title. We’d do all the normal checks and have a look at the carfax but this might be a solid buy.



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